How to write an introduction for a Research Paper – Complete Guide


When the readers or professors start going through your research paper, the introduction is the first section that they will read. Hence, you must make it interesting to get them hooked on your content. In this blog, you will get a detailed guide on how you can write an impressive introduction.

What is the Function of the Introduction?

What is the function of introductionThe introduction plays a vital role in answering the question ‘why.’ Or, why did you opt for that specific topic, and why is it crucial. Then, you can point out the gap in the literature that you will address throughout the paper and offer certain background information on the topic. Finally, you can end the paper by stating the sections that you are going to cover.

Steps You Should Follow for Writing the Introduction

This part should make up roughly 10% of the total word count in the body of a standard research paper, or about 400 words split across three paragraphs in a 4000-word paper. Let us now have a look at how to write the introduction step by step:

1. Introduce the Topic

Introduce the topicThe introduction’s initial task is to inform the reader about your topic and why it’s fascinating or significant. A strong opening hook is usually used to accomplish this.

The hook is an impressive first line that displays the importance of your issue. Consider an intriguing fact or statistic, a powerful remark, a question, or a brief anecdote to pique the reader’s interest in your subject.

For example, if you write about social media hacking, you can state the following. ‘Are you aware of the fact that cybercrime will cost the world $6 trillion by 2021?’

If you wish to create an impact with your hook, you should take a look at various essay or research paper write-up.

2. Include Brief Overview and Set the Context

Following the hook, you need to prepare the reader for the more thorough and particular information that follows. Typically, the initial couple of sentences are broad.


The following is an example of a study that examines the potential helpful role of bacteria in cancer treatment: ‘The role of bacteria as an anticancer agent was identified almost a century ago.’

If you want to write a report on organic matter in the soil, you can include the following aspect. ‘Sustainable crop production is a result of soil’s physical, chemical, and biological qualities, which, in turn, are dramatically affected by the organic matter in the soil.’

In the case of an argumentative paper, you must state a general background. On the other hand, you must review previous research and establish your study in an empirical paper.

3. Clarify How Your Research Fits and Addresses Which Issues

How Your Research Fits and Addresses Which IssuesIn an argumentative research paper, you might express the subject you want to examine and what is unique or essential about your case.

In an empirical research paper, use your discussion of the literature to lead into the topic. Consider the following questions:

  • What research gap does your work aim to address?
  • What flaws in prior work does it resolve?
  • What contribution does it make to knowledge?

You can create a connection between the existing research and the problem by employing phrases.

For example:

Phrase                         Connection
The ramifications of the x study should be investigated further. You’ll expand on a suggestion made in prior research by delving deeper into it.
x is commonly thought to be the case. This paper, on the other hand, proposes that y… You will take a stand that is different from the general opinion on your topic.

Table 1: Phrase and Connection

Meanwhile, if you cannot understand any aspect, you must take the help of an essay writer. The experts are experienced and highly qualified, and they will help you with your write-up, resource gathering, formatting, etc.

4. Highlight the Objectives

Now you’ll go into the details of what you want to learn or say in your research paper. This can be framed in a variety of ways, for example, a thesis statement is presented in an argumentative paper, but a research question is often posed in an empirical paper (sometimes with a hypothesis as to the answer).

Thesis statement for an argumentative paper

The thesis statement states the position for which evidence and arguments will be presented throughout the work. It should be stated in one or two phrases. Moreover, you should state your position simply and directly, without presenting particular arguments.

Example: Jelly Sandwiches and Peanut Butter are fun to eat as they always slide around.

Research question and hypothesis in an empirical paper

In an empirical research article, the research question is the question you intend to answer.

Present your research question simply and directly, with as little elaboration as possible. The rest of the paper will be devoted to debating and researching this subject; all you have to do now is articulate it.

A research question might be explicitly or indirectly framed.

Example: We explored the impact of regular Instagram use on the incidence of body image disorders among adolescent girls. (if you speak about the ill-effects of social media and digital marketing tools)

If you tested hypotheses as part of your research, make sure to mention them alongside your research question. Because the hypothesis will have already been tested by the time you write your article, they are frequently provided in the past tense.

5. Share a Brief Overview of the Rest of the Paper

Share overview of the rest of the paperThe last section of the introduction is frequently devoted to an overview of the rest of the paper. This isn’t always necessary in a research paper formatted in the usual scientific “introduction, methods, results, discussion” format.

However, if your work is structured unusually, it’s critical to describe the shape to the reader. The overview, if provided, should be brief, direct, and written in the present tense. You must try to warp it up within one sentence.

For example, you can write the following statement. This paper initially goes over a few examples of survey-based research on adolescent social media use before moving on to…(if you consider the ill-effects of social media)

Essential Tip

Essential TipYou must not write the introduction first when you sit down to write the research paper. First, you must complete the rest of the sections like literature review, results, discussion, etc. This is because, by the time you finish writing the body section, you will see exactly what important points you must include in the introduction. And you will see that it takes less time for you to write the introduction.

Hopefully, you will be able to pen down the research paper introduction by yourself if you abide by the steps mentioned here. If you cannot do so, you must seek research paper or essay help from professional experts. Before you make your final decision, do not forget to verify whether the experts are authentic or not.


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