London Sunset – Top 10 Best Places To View

Top 10 Places to view London Sunset

A vibrant splash of colors across the sky before being erased by the darkness of the stars- That is a London Sunset, a point in time in 24 hours when even the most oblivious human will look up at the sky. Such beauty deserves to be observed along with a great view of its environment.

So here are the top 10 places in London that will give you the most picturesque, Instagram-worthy, and intoxicating view of the sunset.

Top 10 Places to view London Sunset

1. Primrose Hill

Primrose Hill

Primrose Hill is located in a pretty expensive area of London yet the view it provides is incomparable. Many gather on the top of this 213-foot-high little foothill to enjoy the setting sun and the overview of the city. A careful eye will also be able to spot the Shard, the London Eye, and the looming Big Ben. It is a perfect picnic spot for the summer months- a blanket and a bottle of your preferred beverage and good company are all you’ll need.

2. Telegraph Hill Park

Telegraph Hill Park

The Telegraph Hill Park in Brockley, South East London offers not only the vibes of Primrose Hill but also seclusion and privacy. It got its name from the telegraph tower that was once established there and formed a connection between Dover and Portsmouth. It is currently a grassy field with the view of Primrose Hill and the off-beaten track feeling that ensures peace and privacy.

3. Richmond Park

Richmond Park

This is another green spot that offers an incomparable view of the dying embers of the day. Though it is not as elevated as the two previously listed, the feeling of escaping from the urban hustle of the city along with a beautiful sunset is sure to have you reeling with awe. The highest point of this park is by the Georgian mansion Pembroke House from where you get an uninhibited view of the setting sun but the shores of the pond are also recommended as there you get the additional company of the ducks along with the beauty of the sky’s mirror image on the water. In case one feels the desire for a tipple, the Roebuck on top of Richmond Hill is an excellent choice that offers a beautiful view of the river Thames.

4. The Millennium Bridge

The Millennium Bridge

The Millennium Bridge is one of the few pedestrians-only bridges in the city, offering a connection between the northern and southern banks of the River Thames. It offers a very calm and serene view of the sunset sky. Visitors can follow the path from the Southern Bank to the top of this bridge to watch the sun duck down being the iconic St. Paul’s Cathedral.

5. Frank’s Café

Frank’s Café

Frank’s Café is another very popular and easily accessible sunset spot in Peckham. It is located on the 10th floor of the Peckham multi-story car park. Unlike most rooftop bars that charge entry or are a bit scathing on the pocket, Frank’s Café is free to enter and offers pins at very affordable prices. The sunset that one can observe from here however is urban-without the beauty of green fields and ponds yet the urban setting does not diminish the vibrancy of the colors or the charm of the extensive view, quiet and spectacular.

6. Heron Tower

Heron Tower

The Heron Tower is located on Bishop gate and is one of the most expensive sunset spots in the city. It requires one to take the lift up to its 40th floor to enter the Duck and Waffle Restaurant. Once inside, the visitor is greeted by glass windows extending from the floor to the ceiling that helps in one getting a panoramic view of London’s skyline whose beauty is much enhanced by the spilling colors of the setting sun.

7. The London Eye

London eye

The London Eye may be one of the locations on this list that tend to be a bit crowded as it is also a very popular tourist spot. However, being situated in the heart of the city, it offers some of the best views of London and its sunsets. Located on the Southern Banks of the River Thames, it offers a glimpse of big ben, Buckingham Palace, and an incredible view of the sunset overhead. It is required however that one books seats on this ride as the Sunset Rides here are very popular.

8. The Waterloo Bridge

The Waterloo Bridge

The Waterloo Bridge offers picturesque views of both East and West London and some of the famous landmarks. Though one will be facing west in this Bridge, turning around to the east, the view of shades of red and orange reflecting off the buildings surrounding Bridges Blackfriars and Southwark are truly a sight to behold. This spot has the capability to turn a mundane evening into a beautiful one.

9. Greenwich Park

Greenwich Park is one of the four UNESCO World Heritage Sites in London and one of the largest green spaces in South East London. The Royal Observatory located at the top of a hill in Greenwich Park offers an uninhibited view of the London skyline and is one of the best places to observe the setting sun and the interplay of colors.

10. Parliament Hill

Parliament Hill

Parliament Hill is an open parkland in the southeast corner of Hampstead Heath and stands 98 meters tall. It is known for its views of the capital’s skyline and thus offers a spectacular view of the sunset. It is almost a rural spot and thus, the quiet private moments spent here, admiring the beauty of the sun descending over central London is an exquisite experience.

So, in the midst of a hectic schedule, be you a tourist or a native, take an evening off to enjoy the beauty of nature that can even be found in the midst of a distinctively urban environment. The setting sun symbolizes a new day and the future holds a lot of potentials. So, visit these places to experience the joy of sunsets.


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