Spiders Are the Most Commonly Encountered Household Pests in the UK

Spiders Are the Most Commonly Encountered Household Pests in the UK

Spiders are considered pests because they are a nuisance in and around the home. They can be found in dark and damp areas, such as basements, attics, and crawl spaces, and can spin unsightly webs in corners and along walls. Some species of spiders also roam the living areas of homes, such as bedrooms and bathrooms, being most active at night when people are sleeping.

Pest Control Statistics

Pest Control Statistics

A recent survey conducted by Fantastic Pest Control shows that two-thirds of British homeowners have encountered spiders in their homes, making them one of the most common household pests in the UK. The research reveals that spider encounters (65%) surpass those of flies (58%), moths (44%) and wasps (40%). A little over half of the participants (51%) claim they’ve also seen spiders in their previous homes.

While those living in the East of England have shown most likely to encounter spiders in their homes (74%), the numbers fall below half among Londoners (46%). Homes in London reportedly have a larger number of mice, making them a proportionately common pest (14%) in the capital.

When it comes to dealing with pests, 61% of Brits said they would be comfortable with eradicating them themselves. However, only 31% of the participants would deal with a pest humanely, and 30% admitted they would kill it. A further 22% of the people would set up traps or poison to deal with pest problems, and 21% would hire a professional pest control service.

Despite many feeling they would be comfortable with dealing with a pest themselves, 15% of people say they know about current pests in their home but avoid doing anything about the problem, and 19% of the people have previously ignored pest problems.

Among those who have experience with pests in their home, a third have been bitten or stung (33%), and a quarter has had their outdoor garden plants eaten by pests (24%). A further 14% say their clothes have been damaged by pests, 10% have found their food chewed on, and 9% have seen property damage by pests, such as the walls or carpets.

The co-founder of Fantastic Services, Rune Sovndahl, comments:

Pest control is an increasingly popular service in the United Kingdom lately. More people spend time at home after work and on weekends, and many work remotely. However, with that also comes more waste, which attracts a variety of pests. Spider control and cockroach control are two of the most commonly requested services in the last 18 months, followed by bed bug and woodworm treatment.

Health Risks

There are potential health hazards associated with spiders. Most species are venomous, although their venom isn’t dangerous to humans. However, some species of spiders, such as the black widow and brown recluse, have venom that can cause serious health complications. Bites from these spiders can cause severe pain, muscle cramps, and spasms, and in rare cases, can lead to death.

Luckily, most spiders found in homes aren’t dangerous and aren’t known to bite humans because they prefer to flee threats. In reality, experts aren’t sure how many people get bitten by spiders every year. Most of the time, people may not know they’ve been bitten by a spider or think it was an insect bite.

Although most spiders’ venom isn’t dangerous to humans, it’s essential to identify their presence on the property and take necessary precautions before the situation becomes more serious. Besides that, having spiders in your home could mean that you also have another type of pest infestation.

Most Common Household Spiders

Most Common Household Spiders

There are different species of spiders that can be found in British households, but the most common ones include:

  • House spiders are often found in basements, crawl spaces, and other dark and damp areas. They are large, brown-greyish specimens that usually spin webs in corners and along walls.
  • Yellow sac spiders are tiny, yellowish spiders that can be found in all areas of the house, including bedrooms, bathrooms, and living rooms. They’re known to spin small, silken sacs where they hide during the day.
  • Cellar spiders, also called Daddy Long Legs, are long-legged, thin spiders that can be found in basements, crawl spaces, and other dark and damp areas. Similar to house spiders, they also spin webs in corners and along walls.
  • Black widow spiders are venomous spiders that can be found in garages, sheds, and other outbuilding areas, as well as basements and crawl spaces. They’re black with a distinctive red hourglass-shaped mark on the underside of their body.

Pest Preventative Measures

Pest Preventative Measures

There are several things you can do to prevent spiders from entering your home without using pesticides:

  • Seal up any cracks and gaps in walls, around windows and doors. This will make it difficult for spiders to enter your home.
  • Keep the inside of your home clean and free from clutter. Spiders thrive in dark, cluttered areas. A clean and well-maintained home will be less attractive for them to enter and settle in.
  • Remove webs and egg sacs regularly. This will discourage spiders from spinning new webs in the same area. Spiders can easily be sucked with a vacuum cleaner and disposed of in the trash. Make sure to empty the bag or canister outside the house to avoid releasing them back inside.
  • Keep outdoor lighting to a minimum, especially around the perimeter of your home. Spiders are attracted to light, and reducing it will lessen the number of spiders around your home.
  • Use natural spider repellents. Essential oils, such as peppermint, citrus, and eucalyptus, have been known to repel spiders.
  • Use spider traps. They can be purchased at most hardware stores and are an effective way to trap and remove spiders without using pesticides.
  • Remove any potential food sources, such as insects and other arthropods. Spiders feed on them, and getting rid of them will make them less attracted to your house.

Removing spiders from your home is an ongoing process rather than a one-time solution. Regular cleaning, vacuuming and monitoring for spiders will help you keep them out.

Bottom Line

It’s evident that spiders are the most commonly encountered household pest by British residents, and this trend is becoming more prevalent as people spend increasingly more time at home. When this happens, it’s extremely important to take precautions to prevent the situation from turning into an infestation. If you’re one of the 49% who wouldn’t be comfortable with eradicating a pest on their own, call and ask help with a pest control company that can get rid of them safely and effectively.


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