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Whether you’re an avid DIY fan or a newbie who picked up the home renovation bug during the COVID pandemic, you’ll likely realise how important tool storage and maintenance can be. While poor storage practices can lead to some serious headaches when it comes to finding the tools you need, failing to properly look after your tools and equipment can also lead to shoddy, inaccurate work and even monetary loss – but how can you store your DIY tools to prolong their shelf life, organisation and efficiency?
How to Properly Store Your DIY Tools?
Label tools & equipment
It’s incredible how quickly DIY tools can accumulate – your pristine garage or storage space could quickly end up like a bomb site if you fail to keep your equipment well organised. One of the easiest ways to gain control of a large collection of your essential tools is by using labels to make items easily identifiable – try to keep small items like screws, nails, nuts and bolts organised by size and stowed away in clearly labelled plastic tubs.
Regularly clean and maintain
While tools will naturally degrade over time, you can slow down their ageing process by regularly maintaining equipment and cleaning tools after each and every use. Depending on their material makeup, most indoor DIY equipment can be simply and easily cleaned using a damp cloth or towel, which will work to remove any dirt, debris and grease. When it comes to cleaning hand tools and other gardening equipment, ensure that you stick to the manufacturer guidelines and always keep outdoor tools free from mud and moisture to avoid oxidation and rust.
Organise storage boxes
Once your equipment has been organised and thoroughly cleaned, it’s time to get creative and arrange your storage space as you see fit. Consider grouping items by size, purpose and frequency of use – you can stow away smaller tools and items of equipment in custom storage boxes such as the milwaukee packout box, which can be easily slotted into any storage space.
Make use of vertical storage racks
To safely store large and expensive items of equipment such as drills, saws and power tools, consider investing in vertical storage racks. Using vertical racks can increase space and also will help to keep costly tools elevated, off the ground and out of the way – here they will be less prone to accidental damage, mould, dampness.
Consider prioritising vertical storage rack space according to how often you use specific tools and which areas of the home you’re most likely to use them in; for example, it may make sense to vertically store gardening tools closer to the entrance of the garden, as it will be easier and safer to transport them when needed.